0:01 - 0:02 Water...
0:03 - 0:05 Earth...
0:05 - 0:07 Fire...
0:07 - 0:09 Air.
0:10 - 0:13 Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.
0:14 - 0:18 Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
0:18 - 0:22 Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them.
0:22 - 0:26 But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
0:26 - 0:30 100 years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar...
0:30 - 0:31 An airbender named Aang.
0:31 - 0:34 And although his airbending skills are great
0:34 - 0:37 he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.
0:37 - 0:41 But I believe Aang can save the world.
0:42 - 0:44 ( ... )
0:46 - 0:49 Previously on Avatar...
0:49 - 0:52 You and Sokka have to go with Aang somewhere safe.
0:52 - 0:54 It's the only way to keep hope alive.
0:54 - 0:58 I'm going to join the Avatar, and I'm going to help him defeat you.
0:58 - 1:02 Since you're a full-blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait?
1:02 - 1:04 Because I know my own destiny.
1:05 - 1:07 Taking you down is the Avatar's destiny.
1:07 - 1:10 I know just the place for us to go where we'll be safe for a while.
1:10 - 1:12 The Western Air Temple.
1:36 - 1:38 This is humiliating.
1:38 - 1:40 Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation
1:40 - 1:43 or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?
1:43 - 1:45 Both.
1:45 - 1:48 Sorry, guys, but Appa gets tired carrying all these people.
1:51 - 1:53 I wonder how the rest of the troops are.
1:53 - 1:55 They're probably on their way to a prison.
1:55 - 1:58 Seems like my dad just got out, now he's going back in.
2:00 - 2:01 I miss Pipsqueak.
2:01 - 2:04 I miss not having blisters on my feet.
2:06 - 2:08 Hey, we're here.
2:08 - 2:09 I can feel it.
2:10 - 2:13 Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked.
2:14 - 2:18 No, she's right, we are here.
2:20 - 2:24 Wow, it's amazing.
2:59 - 3:02 What a stunning view.
3:02 - 3:07 The only view I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in chains.
3:07 - 3:12 You know, the Avatar hasn't been seen for 100 years.
3:12 - 3:16 The chances of finding him here are very slim.
3:17 - 3:18 First, we'll check each of the air temples.
3:18 - 3:20 Then we'll scour the world,
3:20 - 3:22 searching even the most remote locations until we find him.
3:23 - 3:28 Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment.
3:28 - 3:32 You should take some time to heal and rest.
3:32 - 3:35 What else would I expect to hear from the laziest man in the Fire Nation?
3:38 - 3:42 The only way to regain my honor is to find the Avatar.
3:42 - 3:43 So I will.
4:06 - 4:09 It's so different from the Northern Air Temple.
4:09 - 4:11 I wonder if there are any secret rooms.
4:11 - 4:13 Let's go check it out.
4:18 - 4:21 You guys go... I think we need to talk about some things.
4:22 - 4:24 I'll race you, Duke.
4:24 - 4:27 I told you, it's "The Duke."
4:27 - 4:28 Why can't I go?
4:28 - 4:31 We need to decide what we're gonna do now
4:31 - 4:34 And since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this.
4:36 - 4:37 Fair enough.
4:37 - 4:39 So what's the new plan?
4:39 - 4:44 Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan.
4:44 - 4:46 You just need to master all four elements
4:46 - 4:48 and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes.
4:49 - 4:53 Oh, yeah, that's great, no problem, I'll just do that.
4:54 - 4:56 Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy.
4:56 - 4:58 Well, it's not even gonna be possible.
4:58 - 5:01 Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?
5:02 - 5:03 We could look for Jeong Jeong.
5:03 - 5:06 Yeah, right.
5:06 - 5:08 Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again.
5:08 - 5:10 Who's... Oh, never mind.
5:10 - 5:12 If it's important, I'll find out.
5:13 - 5:15 Oh, well, guess we can't come up with anybody.
5:16 - 5:19 Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?
5:22 - 5:23 What's up with him?
5:25 - 5:28 There's got to be someone who can teach him firebending.
5:32 - 5:34 Hello, Zuko here.
5:34 - 5:37 But I guess you probably already know me... Sort of.
5:37 - 5:42 Uh, so, the thing is, I have a lot of firebending experience
5:42 - 5:44 and I'm considered to be pretty good at it.
5:44 - 5:47 Well, you've seen me... You know, when I was attacking you?
5:48 - 5:50 Uh, yeah, I guess I should apologize for that.
5:50 - 5:52 But anyway, I'm good now.
5:52 - 5:55 I mean, I thought I was good before, but now I realize I was bad.
5:56 - 6:00 But anyway... I think it's time I joined your group
6:00 - 6:02 and taught the Avatar firebending.
6:08 - 6:10 Well, what's your answer?
6:13 - 6:15 Yeah, that's what I'd say too.
6:16 - 6:19 How am I supposed to convince these people I'm on their side?
6:19 - 6:21 What would uncle do?
6:21 - 6:25 "Zuko, you have to look within yourself
6:25 - 6:28 "To save yourself from your other self.
6:28 - 6:34 "Only then will your true self reveal itself."
6:37 - 6:39 Even when I'm talking for him, I can't figure out what he means.
6:39 - 6:41 What would Azula do?
6:41 - 6:46 "Listen, Avatar, I can join your group
6:46 - 6:49 "Or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends.
6:49 - 6:51 "Your choice."
6:52 - 6:55 I guess I'm not that good at impersonations.
7:07 - 7:10 Aang, can we talk about you learning firebending now?
7:11 - 7:12 What?
7:12 - 7:15 The wind is too loud in my ears.
7:15 - 7:18 Check out this loop.
7:21 - 7:24 Aang, I think we should be making some plans about our future.
7:25 - 7:29 OK, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table.
7:30 - 7:32 Oh, and you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber.
7:32 - 7:34 I think that'll have to wait.
7:41 - 7:43 Hello, Zuko here.
7:49 - 7:52 Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there,
7:52 - 7:54 so I just thought I'd wait for you here.
8:05 - 8:07 I know you must be surprised to see me here.
8:08 - 8:11 Not really, since you've followed us all over the world.
8:11 - 8:14 Right... Well, uh...
8:14 - 8:19 Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed
8:19 - 8:21 and I, uh, I'm good now.
8:22 - 8:23 And, well, I think I should join your group.
8:23 - 8:25 Oh, and I can teach firebending...
8:26 - 8:28 To you.
8:29 - 8:30 See, I, uh...
8:31 - 8:32 You want to what now?
8:32 - 8:35 You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you?
8:36 - 8:38 I mean, how stupid do you think we are?
8:38 - 8:41 Yeah, all you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang.
8:41 - 8:43 I've done some good things.
8:43 - 8:46 I mean, I could've stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free.
8:47 - 8:49 That's something.
8:51 - 8:53 Appa does seem to like him.
8:53 - 8:56 He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him.
8:56 - 8:58 I'm not buying it.
8:58 - 9:01 I can understand why you wouldn't trust me
9:01 - 9:03 and I know I've made some mistakes in the past.
Like when you attacked our village?
9:04 - 9:08 Or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?
9:09 - 9:12 Look, I admit I've done some awful things.
9:12 - 9:14 I was wrong to try to capture you,
9:14 - 9:16 and I'm sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe.
9:16 - 9:19 And I never should've sent that Fire Nation assassin after you.
9:19 - 9:20 I'm gonna try to stop him.
9:20 - 9:22 Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?
9:23 - 9:25 Well, that's not his name, but...
9:25 - 9:28 Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to insult your friend.
9:28 - 9:30 He's not my friend.
9:30 - 9:34 That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up.
9:36 - 9:38 Why aren't you saying anything?
9:38 - 9:41 You once said you thought we could be friends.
9:42 - 9:44 You know I have good in me.
9:49 - 9:51 There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done.
9:52 - 9:53 We'll never let you join us.
9:55 - 9:57 You need to get out of here, now.
10:00 - 10:03 I'm trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore.
10:04 - 10:05 Either you leave or we attack.
10:07 - 10:11 If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner.
10:11 - 10:13 No, we won't.
10:14 - 10:17 Get out of here and don't come back.
10:17 - 10:21 And if we ever see you again... Well, we'd better not see you again.
10:38 - 10:40 I can't believe how stupid I am.
10:40 - 10:42 I mean, what was I thinking?
10:42 - 10:44 Telling them I sent an assassin after them?
10:45 - 10:46 Why didn't I just say Azula did that?
10:46 - 10:47 They would've believed that.
10:47 - 10:49 Stupid.
10:56 - 10:58 Why would he try to fool us like that?
10:58 - 11:01 Obviously, he wants to lead us into some kind of trap.
11:01 - 11:04 This is just like when we were in prison together in Ba Sing Se.
11:04 - 11:06 He starts talking about his mother
11:06 - 11:08 and making it seem like he's an actual human being with feelings.
11:08 - 11:11 He wants you to trust him and feel sorry for him
11:11 - 11:14 so you let your guard down, then he strikes.
11:15 - 11:17 The thing is, it worked.
11:17 - 11:19 I did feel sorry for him.
11:19 - 11:22 I felt like he was really confused and hurt.
11:22 - 11:25 But obviously when the time came he made his choice
11:26 - 11:28 and we paid the price.
11:28 - 11:30 We can't trust him.
11:30 - 11:31 I kind of have a confession to make.
11:32 - 11:34 Remember when you two were sick and I got captured by Zhao?
11:35 - 11:36 And you made us suck on frozen frogs?
11:36 - 11:38 How could I forget?
11:38 - 11:42 I had a wart on the flap that hangs down from the back of my throat for a month.
11:43 - 11:46 Sokka, I looked at it and told you there was nothing there.
11:46 - 11:49 I could feel it... It's my throatal flap.
11:50 - 11:54 Anyway, when Zhao had me chained up, it was Zuko who came in and got me out.
11:54 - 11:56 He risked his life to save me.
11:56 - 12:00 No way, I'm sure he only did it so he could capture you himself.
12:00 - 12:03 Yeah, face it, Aang, you're nothing but a big prize to him.
12:03 - 12:05 You're probably right.
12:05 - 12:07 And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free?
12:07 - 12:09 What a liar.
12:09 - 12:10 Actually, he wasn't lying.
12:11 - 12:13 Oh, hooray.
12:13 - 12:17 In a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add animal cruelty to the list.
12:17 - 12:21 I'm just saying that considering his messed-up family and how he was raised
12:21 - 12:23 he could've turned out a lot worse.
12:24 - 12:27 You're right, Toph, let's go find him and give him a medal...
12:27 - 12:30 The "not as much of a jerk as you could've been" award.
12:30 - 12:34 All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere.
12:34 - 12:38 Maybe you're all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly.
12:38 - 12:42 Easy for you to say, you weren't there when he had us attacked by pirates.
12:42 - 12:44 Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island.
12:44 - 12:47 Or when he tried to capture me at the Fire Temple.
12:47 - 12:49 Why would you even try to defend him?
12:49 - 12:54 Because, Katara, you're all ignoring one crucial fact.
12:54 - 12:56 Aang needs a firebending teacher.
12:56 - 12:59 We can't think of a single person in the world to do the job.
12:59 - 13:03 Now one shows upon a silver platter and you won't even think about it?
13:06 - 13:09 I'm not having Zuko as my teacher.
13:09 - 13:11 You're darn right you're not, buddy.
13:11 - 13:13 Well, I guess that's settled.
13:14 - 13:17 I'm beginning to wonder who's really the blind one around here.
13:26 - 13:29 Who's there?
13:29 - 13:30 Stay back.
13:30 - 13:31 It's me!
13:32 - 13:33 Ow!
13:35 - 13:37 You burned my feet.
13:37 - 13:39 I'm sorry, it was a mistake.
13:40 - 13:42 Get away from me.
13:45 - 13:46 Let me help you.
13:47 - 13:48 I'm sorry.
13:49 - 13:52 Get off me, get off me.
13:55 - 13:57 I didn't know it was you.
13:57 - 13:59 Come back!
14:02 - 14:05 Why am I so bad at being good?
14:16 - 14:18 Has anyone seen Toph?
14:18 - 14:20 I haven't seen her since she stormed off yesterday.
14:20 - 14:23 Maybe she's just exploring the Air Temple.
14:23 - 14:26 There are some pretty fun spots to practice earthbending.
14:26 - 14:28 I think we should go look for her.
14:28 - 14:30 Oh, let her have fun with her rocks.
14:30 - 14:32 I'm in no rush to have her yelling at us again.
14:33 - 14:35 We can go check for her.
14:35 - 14:37 Yeah, I want to ride that tunnel down to the hall of statues again.
14:38 - 14:41 It'll work a lot better now that I fixed my brakes.
14:51 - 14:52 Toph, what happened?
14:52 - 14:54 My feet got burned.
14:54 - 14:56 Oh, no, what happened?
14:56 - 14:59 I just told you, my feet got burned.
15:00 - 15:02 I meant how.
15:02 - 15:04 Well, I kind of went to see Zuko last night.
15:04 - 15:05 You what?
15:05 - 15:07 Zuko?
15:07 - 15:09 I just thought he could be helpful to us
15:09 - 15:12 and if I talked to him, maybe we could work something out.
15:13 - 15:14 So he attacked you?
15:14 - 15:17 Well, he did and he didn't.
15:17 - 15:19 It was sort of an accident.
15:19 - 15:20 But he did firebend at you?
15:20 - 15:23 Yes.
15:23 - 15:27 See, you trusted Zuko and you got burned... Literally.
15:28 - 15:30 It's gonna take a while for your feet to get better.
15:30 - 15:31 I wish I could've worked on them sooner.
15:32 - 15:33 Yeah, me too.
15:33 - 15:36 Zuko's clearly too dangerous to be left alone.
15:36 - 15:37 We're gonna have to go after him.
15:38 - 15:40 I hate to go looking for a fight, but you're right.
15:40 - 15:44 After what he did to Toph, I don't think we have a choice.
15:44 - 15:46 He's crafty, but we'll find a way to capture him.
15:46 - 15:48 Maybe just invite him back here.
15:48 - 15:51 He's already offered himself up as a prisoner once.
15:51 - 15:55 Yeah... Get him to come back and say he'll be our prisoner
15:55 - 15:58 then we'll jump him and really make him our prisoner.
15:58 - 16:00 He'll never suspect it.
16:00 - 16:02 You are a master of surprise, Sokka.
16:05 - 16:07 Ahh, that's the stuff.
16:07 - 16:09 Now I know how the rest of you guys feel.
16:10 - 16:13 Not being able to see with your feet stinks.
16:44 - 16:45 Stop!
16:45 - 16:49 I don't want you hunting the Avatar anymore.
16:50 - 16:51 The mission is off.
16:51 - 16:53 I'm ordering you to stop.
16:58 - 16:59 If you keep attacking, I won't pay you.
17:00 - 17:04 All right, I'll pay you double to stop.
18:08 - 18:12 He's going to blast this whole place right off the cliffside.
18:16 - 18:19 I can't step out to waterbend at him without getting blown up.
18:19 - 18:22 And I can't get a good enough angle on him from down here.
18:23 - 18:25 I know how to get an angle on him.
18:41 - 18:44 All right, buddy, don't fail me now.
18:55 - 18:58 Yeah, boomerang!
19:02 - 19:06 Aw, boomerang...
19:48 - 19:51 I can't believe I'm saying this, but thanks, Zuko.
19:51 - 19:52 Hey, and what about me?
19:52 - 19:54 I did the boomerang thing.
19:54 - 19:58 Listen, I know I didn't explain myself very well yesterday.
19:58 - 20:01 I've been through a lot in the past few years, and it's been hard.
20:02 - 20:05 But I'm realizing that I had to go through all those things
20:05 - 20:07 to learn the truth.
20:07 - 20:11 I thought I had lost my honor and that somehow my father could return it to me.
20:11 - 20:14 But I know now that no one can give you your honor.
20:15 - 20:18 It's something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what's right.
20:18 - 20:22 All I want now is to play my part in ending this war.
20:22 - 20:26 And I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world.
20:27 - 20:29 I'm sorry for what I did to you.
20:29 - 20:31 It was an accident.
20:31 - 20:33 Fire can be dangerous and wild.
20:33 - 20:37 So as a firebender, I need to be more careful and control my bending
20:37 - 20:40 so I don't hurt people unintentionally.
20:42 - 20:45 I think you are supposed to be my firebending teacher.
20:45 - 20:49 When I first tried to learn firebending, I burned Katara.
20:50 - 20:53 And after that, I never wanted to firebend again.
20:54 - 20:59 But now I know you understand how easy it is to hurt the people you love.
21:00 - 21:02 I'd like you to teach me.
21:04 - 21:06 Thank you.
21:07 - 21:09 I'm so happy you've accepted me into your group.
21:09 - 21:11 Not so fast.
21:11 - 21:14 I still have to ask my friends if it's OK with them.
21:14 - 21:17 Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned.
21:17 - 21:19 What do you think?
21:20 - 21:22 Go ahead and let him join.
21:22 - 21:24 It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.
21:25 - 21:26 Sokka?
21:28 - 21:31 Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord.
21:31 - 21:34 If you think this is the way to do it, then I'm all for it.
21:36 - 21:38 Katara?
21:45 - 21:48 I'll go along with whatever you think is right.
21:49 - 21:52 I won't let you down, I promise.
22:03 - 22:06 So here you go, home sweet home.
22:06 - 22:07 I guess, you know, for now.
22:08 - 22:10 Unpack... Lunch soon.
22:11 - 22:13 Uh... Welcome aboard?
22:16 - 22:18 Yeah.
22:19 - 22:22 OK, this is really, really weird.
22:30 - 22:35 If I have to, I will spend every day of the rest of my life hunting the Avatar.
22:35 - 22:38 I know it's my destiny to capture him.
22:38 - 22:42 You know, prince Zuko, destiny is a funny thing.
22:43 - 22:46 You never know how things are going to work out
22:46 - 22:50 but if you keep an open mind and an open heart
22:50 - 22:54 I promise you will find your own destiny someday.
23:02 - 23:06 You might have everyone else here buying your transformation.
23:07 - 23:10 But you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past.
23:11 - 23:14 So let me tell you something right now.
23:14 - 23:17 You make one step backward, one slip-up,
23:17 - 23:19 give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang
23:20 - 23:22 and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore
23:23 - 23:26 because I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there...
23:27 - 23:29 Permanently.
23:44 - 23:47 ( ... )